

Three whole days had gone by since the day of survival, but Chloe had not been brave enough to remove the barricades that led to the world outside. She busied herself with the list of inventory, the list of things she yet had to obtain somehow. On top of her list, was a book about weapons. She had no idea how anything, apart from a knife, worked.

She found her preparations pathetic – what was she readying herself for, a camping trip? Knowing that we all had come from a single celled organism that lived in the ocean did not seem as such an important piece of information now. Bird mating rituals would offer no help at all if a horde of zombies were to stumble her way.

She hummed a song by Scars on Broadway while gathering her things in a huge pile. This was a big day for her. She was going outside. Her imagination ran freely while she was gathering all of her clothes and stuffing them in her backpack. Hordes of zombies just outside the door, waiting to be fed, a group of survivors armed with rifles waiting for her to come out so they could rob her of the supplies that mysteriously appeared, stray dogs with rabies foaming at the mouth grabbing for her leg, thousands of rodents coming to nibble at her intestines. Oh the beauty of outside world. There were so many things that could go wrong.

She started figuring out how the barricades were placed, so she could remove them and leave them to be reused. She took her time, dreading the moment they will be removed. She hesitated before opening the door once the door was free of the table. Her hand on the old fashioned handle was shaking, but ready to shut the outside world out in case of danger.

She could feel the sun on her face as she slowly opened the door with a creek. No unexpected surprises awaited her. No zombies, survivors, sick dogs, hungry rodents… Nothing. She kicked herself when instead of relief she felt disappointment. How typical of her, she thought. Always dreading yet wanting danger. She felt like she deserved to be eaten by one of the ghouls.

She closed the door behind her and stood there for a moment, enjoying the sun on her pale skin. It felt so good after spending 3 whole days bottled up in an old smelly wooden shack. A populated area was only 15 minutes away and she knew that she wouldn’t be greeted the way she had been now – in silence, by nobody.  She regretted not getting more familiar with her surroundings before world came to an end. She had no clue where she could settle down, but knew that once the colder weather came, she’d freeze to death or die from some disease before that.

She looked around and started walking along the trail that led out of the woods. She wondered why she couldn’t hear birds singing or fallen branches being stepped on by wandering wild animals. It was her favourite part when she walked through the woods. She thought it to be odd, but decided it’s most likely due to their natural instincts. They were smarter than her – they didn’t go straight for the danger, they ran/flew for their lives. For a while she wondered where they were and whether they found a safe place to hold up in. It kept her from thinking about what awaited her at the end of the forgotten trail.

She missed Nathan. Chloe wanted him there with her, to kiss her and say that everything will be okay. But he was not there. She hoped he was okay, wherever that was. Unless he was already dead. Everyone else seemed to be.

One of the reasons why she decided to return to town was the short supply of water available. You can’t even imagine how she craved a cup of hot coffee. A steaming mug filled with liquid orgy, she thought. Her mouth watered. Oh the yummy goodness.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” She sighed and lit a cigarette.

She could clearly see the start of the clearing up ahead. After crossing that, no one knew what awaited her. Excitement, fear, hormones and adrenaline filled her veins.

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